Does drinking hot tea help keep the body cool?
Does drinking hot tea help keep the body cool?
The answer is quite
interesting. When the weather is hot, most people like to drink cold drinks. But
many people prefer hot drinks like tea instead of cold ones. Most people in
Pakistan like to drink tea throughout the year including during summer and it
is said that drinking tea or coffee helps in keeping the body cool.
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But do hot drinks really
help keep your body cool?
So the short answer is
yes, but if you look deeper, it depends on various factors.
Peter McNaughton, a
professor at King's College London in the UK, conducts research on similar
topics and says that it is possible to actually cool yourself down with hot
He said that it sounds
contradictory, but drinking hot drinks like tea reduces the body temperature,
but the condition for this is that the weather is not too humid.
He further said that
if the tea or any drink is hotter than the body, we will certainly feel the
heat before drinking it, but then a system will be activated inside our body.
They said that upon
consuming these drinks, our nerves activate a receptor called TRPV1, which
directs the body to cool down and sweat. As the sweat accumulates on the skin,
the fan air becomes more pleasant and the sweat evaporates.
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Professor Peter explained
that our life depends on sweat because it enables us to withstand high
He said that on hot
and dry days, hot drinks help to keep the body cool, but this method is not
effective when the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is high. He further
said that in humid weather, the amount of water vapor in the air is very high
and it is not absorbed by our skin, due to which the feeling of heat is more in
humid weather.
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A 2012 study
discovered that when sweat evaporates completely, hot drinks can help keep you
temporarily cool.
Conversely, drinking cold beverages lowers body temperature and in turn, instructs the brain to reduce sweat output to maintain normal body temperature, so cold drinks in humid weather can reduce sweat output. Can be useful. Hot drinks also help keep the body cool in another way.
These drinks do not reduce the amount of water in
the body, which does not affect the process of sweating.
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According to Cini
Bhanu, a researcher at London College University, if you drink 10 cups of tea
instead of water, the body does not suffer from dehydration. He advises that it
is important to consume water or other beverages throughout the day whether
thirsty or not.
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