How to keep yourself healthy and happy?


Light exercise for 45 minutes daily can protect the body from many diseases

In today's fast-paced world, it is very difficult for anyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but despite this, medical experts identify a few habits as the means to stay healthy and happy.

Let us know what those habits are.

45 minutes of daily exercise


According to medical experts, devote at least 45 minutes of the day to exercise because light exercise during 45 minutes can protect the body from many diseases.

Regular exercise reduces the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression, while increasing mental maturity and confidence.


Give thanks


Although most of us face many challenges throughout the day, each person has many blessings to be thankful for.

Try to find these joys and blessings in your life and be grateful for them because positive thinking is what motivates you to fight through difficulties and move forward.

How to keep yourself healthy and happy?

3 liters of water daily

Water acts as fuel for the human body, more water consumption prepares the human body to function better.

 Drinking more water helps detoxify you, improve your digestive system, and improve your skin and hair health.

Experts recommend consuming at least 3 liters of water for a healthy lifestyle.


Break bad habits

Some bad habits can be found in every person, these bad habits affect the mental and physical health of a person, so try to get rid of these habits on a daily basis.

For example, excessive use of mobile phones is dangerous for your physical and mental health, so try to reduce the duration of using mobile phones for a day, reduce the consumption of junk food or leave any habit that affects your mental and physical health. affecting

How to keep yourself healthy and happy?

Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep

The function of sleep is not only to relax the body, but also to restore the functions of the human brain.


With this sleep you will feel happy and healthy, it will help you achieve mental and physical well-being and relax your mind and body.



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